Hey, I’m Clint Mally.

Marketing & CommunicationsConsulting

I help businesses get more customers, make more per customer, and keep them longer.



The situation

You want more customers online…
but there is a problem.


Time & Expertise

Creating an SEO strategy from scratch takes a ton of time and expertise (and trial and error if we are honest).

Falling Behind

You feel frustrated that people can’t find your website online and anxious that your competition is passing you up.

Too Complicated

You believe that learning the basics of SEO should not be so complicated.
You. Are. Right.

A few of my five-star reviews.


Why I can help

I taught kids to read.
I can teach you SEO.

I used to be a middle and high school teacher, which means I know how to break down complex concepts into bite-sized pieces that are easy to understand. So, whether you're a visual learner, an auditory learner, or a hands-on learner, I've got you covered. I can explain SEO in a way that works for you.

Now, I know what you're thinking.

"But teaching teenagers is a whole different ball game than teaching adults."

And you're right, it is!

But here's the thing. Teenagers are tough critics. They'll tune you out in a heartbeat if you're not engaging, interesting, and relatable.

That's why I had to come up with creative ways to keep their attention and get them excited about learning. And trust me, if I can get a bunch of teenagers excited about sentence structure, I can definitely get you excited about SEO!


 Words that make me blush

“It's increased my bookings exponentially.”


The Proof

Results you can measure

Are you wondering how you'll be able to measure the results of my SEO course? Look no further than my Google Analytics and Google Search Console dashboards! These powerful tools provide a snapshot of a website's performance, including important metrics such as organic traffic and search engine rankings.

By implementing the strategies I teach in my SEO course, you'll be able to see a clear rise in your organic search rankings over time.

This means that your website will appear higher up in search engine results pages (SERPs), which can lead to increased traffic, more leads, and ultimately, more sales.

When you invest in my SEO course, you'll gain access to the knowledge and tools you need to take control of your website's visibility and see real, measurable results. So don't wait – sign up today and start seeing the impact of a well-crafted SEO strategy on your business!


What’s Included

Course Modules


SEO 101

Learn the terms of SEO in simple language. I’ll break down domain authority, backlinking, and primary and secondary target key phrases.

Keyword Research

Discover your business’s specific informational and commercial intent keywords step-by-step for free.

Core Page Buildout

Master the essential sections for the core pages of your website including your home page, product or service page, about page, and blog.


Blogging & Content Creation

Upskill your entire blog writing process to build backlinks, business connections, and website traffic at the same time.

Content Promotion

Improve the reach of your content with my three-step promotion process. This will maximize the reach of your content and speed up results.

Local SEO

Become a hometown hero by showing up in local search results faster. This is great for brick and mortar and digital businesses alike.